Use the information below or your own ideas to talk about one of the historical figures below. After that, record and post your video of speaking on Flipgrid platform. Remember to:
• use your personal email to log in and launch a discussion.
• record a 3-minute video.
• comment and share your thoughts on your classmate's ideas.
KING LE LOI/LE THAI TO (1385-1433)
- determined leader of Lam Son uprising against the Ming invaders (1418 − 1427), suffered hardship and difficulties
- freed the country and became King in 1428
Reason for being respected:
- his perseverance during the ten years’ war
Interesting legend:
- the history of Sword Lake in Ha Noi: the return of the magical sword to a golden turtle after the war against the invaders
(1726 − 1784)
- a distinguished philosopher, poet, and encyclopaedist
- responsible for a large number of encyclopaedic, historical and philosophical works
Reason for being respected:
- his sharp wit and wide knowledge
Interesting story:
- Still a child, he created a poem, using words with double meanings to describe the characteristics of diff erent types of snakes. The poem can also be interpreted as a lazy student’s self-accusation and promise to study harder.